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Goldfields, WA
Indigenous Partnerships

The Western Woodlands project spans 3,000,000 hectares and is part of the Marlinyu Ghoorlie (MG) group application to claim native title of crown land in the West Australian Goldfields. Salubris is proud to be the Marlinyu Ghoorlie group’s exclusive carbon and biodiversity partner.


The project will consist of an initial ‘fire scar’ investigation to analyse recurring fire issues with the aim of reducing fire frequency. Given the increasing and significant devastation caused and carbon emissions released with each wildfire, large-scale carbon sequestration benefits and outcomes are expected (subject to regulatory approval of the proposed methodology).

By partnering with Traditional Owners and local communities, Salubris can ensure there are positive outcomes for many. Proposed local employment and Ranger training programs can help empower Traditional Owners by supporting them in returning to and managing country. In addition, Salubris seeks to encourage an even greater connection to country by supporting the preservation and transfer of knowledge within the community.


  • Habitat restoration

  • Endangered species protection

  • Ranger programs

  • Heritage and cultural engagement

Project Highlights

Salubris has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Marlinyu Ghoorlie claimant group

  • The MoU aims to create a best-in-class environmental project on Marlinyu Ghoorlie land
  • True engagement of the Marlinyu Ghoorlie group as partners is fundamental to the success of this project. This partnership aims to deliver three core
    • Create sustainable environmental benefits
    • Create real economic value for the Marlinyu Ghoorlie group and local communities
    • Generate social outcomes for the Marlinyu Ghoorlie group and local communities

The Gift of Resilience with
Marlinyu Ghoorlie

Hear the story behind our joint venture – the history of the land and the impact we hope to achieve, in the words of Marlinyu Ghoorlie Elders, Brian Champion and Ricky.

Other Projects

  • Gindalbie Station

    Goldfields, WA

    Spanning approximately 210,000 hectares of pastoral lease in the West Australian Goldfields, Gindalbie Station is our flagship HIR project. Salubris worked with an industry partner to complete the initial stratification report and formalise the best-in-class carbon project with highly sought after ACCUs first issued in 2024.

    • Existing carbon abatement project, commencing in 2018 generating 45,000 to 55,000 ACCU’s per annum
    • Acquired in July 2023
  • Karratha Air Shed

    Pilbara, WA

    Salubris are engaging a local First Nations group as their Blue Carbon partner for the Karratha Air Shed site on the Burrup Peninsula. This project leverages an innovative approach and is the first of its kind in the Salubris portfolio. Leading scientific research suggests carbon will be sequestered more than 10 times faster than mature tropical forests.

    • The Karratha Air Shed site is the subject of a Section 91 licence application
    • Salubris are engaging with a local First Nations group to be their Blue Carbon partner (Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) underway)